Combain have been selected to receive funding from Vinnova (Sweden’s Innovation Agency) in their Innovation Project program for increased industrial research. The total project budget is 3.9 MSEK for one year duration and will focus on improving indoor navigation globally. Idea is to make a self learning system that avoids any calibration or measurements of […]
We and our customer have asked this question many times. It is a holy grail like the answer to life, universe and everything (but the answer this time is not 42!). We asked this to some friends doing mathematical statistics research at Lund University and of course they took on the challenge. Using our data […]
Are you a wizard on web? We need both front-end and back-end developers. We are a small team developing amazing stuff. On the back-end we work with Golang and MariaDB in some of our projects. In some other projects we do Node-JS and MySQL. On the front-end side it is mostly Angular2 but also Html5, […]
Do you enjoy delivering amazing stuff to customers in time and with a feature set beyond their expectations? Do you have the skills to break down customer requirements and problems to well defined tasks to our developers? You cooperate with our team but you also guarantee quality and perform tests to make sure our customer […]
Combain joins IoT Sweden alliance IoT Sweden is a strategic innovation program financed by VINNOVA, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency. Combain joins to support IoT Sweden’s effort in through collaboration to create conditions for sustainable solutions to global societal challenges and international competitiveness.