Now everyone is back in office eager and inspired to make our research progress even further! But our research has continued during summer despite the nice weather and we are now below 10m in median scan position error for our indoor reference track at the Nova shopping center in Lund. 1) Learning algorithms (main focus […]
We have now completed first month of our CPS project. And already some interesting results and improvements. 1) Lookup algorithms. Some more work has been made, but no new major findings. We have verified lookup on more sites. Error when knowing exact location of wifis is still in the 5m range depending on wifi density […]
We have now completed the prestudy of our CPS project. Apart from project stuff like funding, resources and agreements, we made some interesting findings already. 1) Lookup algorithms. If we know where our wifis are exactly, we have claimed in Indoor CPS that we are below 10m median error. This is ofcourse depending on density […]
Today we kick-off our Indoor CPS research project together with the research group Centre for Mathematical Science, Lund University. Our project aim is that we should achieve GPS accuracy (
Combain have been selected to receive funding from Vinnova (Sweden’s Innovation Agency) in their Forska&Väx (=Research & Grow) program for increased positioning research. The total project budget is a couple of MSEK for one year duration and will focus on improving indoor positioning accuracy globally. Idea is to make a self learning system that avoids […]
Combain has now joined in-Location Alliance, an alliance of 70+ companies focused on indoor positioning. The In-Location Alliance promotes the deployment of location-based indoor services in the mobile environment. Combain supplies global indoor positioning with its Indoor CPS product, and strategically want to drive indoor location service based on standards. By joining Combain hope to […]
Combain has now joined iSwedish M2M Service Enablers (SMSE), an alliance of 20+ companies focused on driving the M2M business in Sweden. Combain already have many M2M customers using the CPS API to locate their devices. Combain believe in a huge maket growth for M2M business and want to continue to be the M2M location […]
Our customer Boomslang Instruments are now releasing their new product – the PFO wristband. A security product to protect women with built in mobile positioning and alarm functionality.